volunteer profile

Turkey Standard Time

Hi there!

I am Ahmet Gökdayı, 23. To keep it short here is who i am;

* A passionate & self-taught software developer with 4 years of personal experience including projects using C# , AngularJs, (General) JavaScript, Asp.Net Web Api, MsSql & MySql, PaaS like Azure & AppHarbor.

* Still working through his degree at FreeCodeCamp

* Interested in challenging projects on various topics

* Hobbyist game developer, 

* Tea Lover,

* Also a student at an English Language Teaching as a Foreign Language department in Suleyman Demirel University,


I wanted to join SocialCoder because i like to share, help other people who are in need, at least i wanna try. This is about us, kinda responsibility for us. If we don't try to help each other and if we don't share anything, that means we live for nothing.


   You can have a look at my;

Blog : ahmetgdy.wordpress.com

Github : github.com/daveMad

Twitter : twitter.com/ahmet_gdy

LinkedIn : https://tr.linkedin.com/in/ahmet-gökdayı-6732a0b2