volunteer profile

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Hi there! I'm Laurie, a 'full-stack' software (mostly web-) developer looking to make a positive impact in the world. By day, I work on the backend at last.fm, where I write 'big-data' jobs and service architectures. By night I solve crime mostly just play video games.

Graduate from Sheffield University and Cambridge University - Bsc Computer Science (Class 1) and MPhil Advanced Computer Science (with distinction), respectively.

Despite these days mostly focussing on back-end infrastructure and scalability, I have professional experience building web-apps in Python, Java, Javascript, less/sass, jquery, bootstrap, and a bit of angular.js.

Familiar with a whole load of other technologies; including but probably not limited to:
Jenkins, Docker, Jira, Postgres, Redis, Cassandra, RabbitMQ, Tomcat, Dropwizard, Tornado, HDFS, Spark, Hive. 

Likes: Pragmatismgit, code review, continous integration, horizontal scaling.

Dislikes: Dogamtism, inflexibility, open source zealots, shotgun debugging.