More than 11 years of experience in designing and developing web enabled applications using Java technology stack and frameworks
Experienced in taking an application concept through design, implementation and integration
Equally comfortable working on Java based RESTful Webservice and AngularJS and Twitter Bootstrap based UI – a full stack developer
Experienced in application development following modified waterfall, Scrum and Scaled Agile methodologies.
Designed and implemented horizontally scalable, high throughput ( 14 Million transactions per hour ) IOT application using Apache Storm on AWS EC2 cluster
Empowered the business gain insights into over 75GB ( 400+ Million records) of transactional data by enabling query able access to data using Hive and Tableau
Contributed in development of Wealth management platform, leveraged by the world’s largest banks, with sub second latency requirements for transactions
Strategized and implemented performance tuning, data archival and purging for Brokerage Fee Accounting – Soft Dollar application where relational database grew to 80GB+ in the first three years of implementation