volunteer profile

GMT Standard Time


For the past 16 weeks I’ve been studying coding at CodeClan in Edinburgh. The course gave me practical experience of coding through code-alongs, paired programming and several individual projects. I also had a module in computing science so gained a theoretical understanding of computers and was taught how to plan projects using UML.




  • Languages: Java; PHP; SQL; Javascript; Ruby
  • Design, Coding & IDE Tools: UML; NinjaMock; Android Studio; Sublime Text; Visual Paradigm
  • Development Approaches: Agile; TDD, OO
  • Frameworks: Rails; React
  • Databases: MongoDB; Postgres




  • Pennywise - [email protected]:Leelz/Project3_Pennywise.git
    • Ruby was used to create the functionality of a money management app along with the framework Sinatra.  To manage user data I used MySQL and I created the UI using HTML and CSS
  • Fantasy Farm - [email protected]:Leelz/Project6_FantasyFarm.git
    • I used Java to create a Fantasy Farm console game, where you could create a farm with animals, enclosures.  This project taught me the SOLID of writing code.
  • Sandwich Auction - [email protected]:Leelz/Project8_SandwichAuction.git
    • Developing my ability with Javascript & Ruby on Rails, I created an App so people could submit sandwich orders to a database.


I am looking for a project that makes an impact and where I can build on what I learned at CodeClan.  It would be also helpful to have support from a more experienced developer.