My name is Travis and I am a full-stack web developer located in the upper midwest, USA. I currently work in the development center for a ~150 person employee-owned consultancy where we tackle projects for clients big and small across virtually every technology stack and industry. I have been in my current role since graduating college in 2013. My primary skillsets are Java, Spring, C#, ASP.NET MVC, Javascript/Typescript (Angular2, Knockout, and some Angular1.x), Python (Flask, some Django), and a bunch of SQL (MySQL, MS SQL, Postgres) and NoSQL (MongoDB, PouchDB) databases. Lately, I've been working on and getting really into blockchain tech, so I'll add Solidity, Truffle, geth, web3.js, testrpc to the list as well. One of the joys of consulting is the ability to work between platforms on a ton of different things, and keep a fairly balanced skill set!
In college, I was very active with volunteer groups and student groups on campus, but since joining the working world I've gotten away from those things. My goal is to use my skillset to benefit folks who can utilize it for the greatest amount of benefit!